Prosthetics Have Gone To The Dogs!

Animal rehabilitation specialists are turning to prosthetics for dogs with injuries and/or amputations, enriching the quality of these pets' lives.

Pets & Mental Health: Are Psychiatric Drugs The Answer?

With the right dosage and a course of treatment, cats and dogs can go from aggressive and anxious to happy and content in a matter of months.

Dog Rattlesnake Vaccine – Is It Effective?

The possibility of your dog getting bit by a rattlesnake is a possibility. Worst case scenario - is there a dog rattlesnake vaccine and is it effective?

The Benefits of Dog Meditation

We're not talking about the "Downward Dog" position. Have you tried dog meditation - it not only relaxes you, but helps your dog focus and keep calm.

What Is Better for Dog Arthritis, Heat or Cold?

One natural method of pain relief for dog arthritis is applying heat or cold to their joints. But which is better for dog arthritis, heat or cold – and when should you use them?

What Are Alternative Canine Energy Healing Techniques?

Pet parents are increasingly turning to alternative canine energy healing techniques to heal their dogs' physical and emotional problems.

Probiotics Make This Dog Ear Infection Cure All Natural

If your dog is prone to ear infections, you'll be excited to hear about Apple Blossom Naturals Ear Cure, a 100 percent natural dog ear infection cure.

Lifesaving Steps on How to Perform Dog CPR

This technique has saved countless human lives, and it's been adapted for canines. If your pet goes into cardiac arrest, perform these dog CPR steps.

How To Stop Bleeding Dog Nails After Trimming Mishaps

Most pet parents don't trim their dog's nails in case they nick the quick. If you cut your dog's nails too short, here's how to stop the bleeding.

Naturally Safe Mosquito Repellent For Dogs

Scratch-free tips on keeps those pesky mosquitoes away from your dog.

Morris Animal Foundation Awards $775,000 to Test Vaccine for Bone Tumo

Researchers believe that this vaccine that could improve longevity and quality of life for dogs suffering from osteosarcoma.

The Debate Over Anesthesia- and Sedation-Free Pet Dentistry

To sedate or not to sedate - that's the question when it comes to anesthesia-free pet dentistry. Are there any benefits to the sedation-free procedure?

Aspirin For Dogs: Is It Safe Or A Headache?

A common over-the-counter pain medication, is Aspirin for dogs safe, or will it leave you and your dog with a headache that requires emergency treatment?

What You Should Know About Dog Dental Cleaning Costs

One of the most painful things about canine teeth exams has to be dog dental cleaning costs. Why are the prices so high and what goes into a teeth cleaning?

Best Dog Breath Sprays

Dog breath sprays make sure that your dog's breath doesn't smell- no matter what is causing it. Here are the best breath fresheners for pets on the market!

What’s The Point Of Dog Acupuncture?

In this article you will learn the basics about what dog acupuncture looks like and how this alternative and ancient treatment might help your pooch.

How to Give Your Dog a Pill

If you've ever had to give your dog a pill, you know how difficult it can be. Here are some tips on how to make any pill easier to swallow.

The Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Dogs

A holistic remedy that's picking up popularity in pet parents, we've been hearing lots of great things about the benefits of apple cider vinegar for dogs.

What Should You Do If Your Dog Gets A Sunburn

What happens when Fido gets too much sun? The same thing that happens to his humans. It hurts! So, it’s important to know what to do if your dog gets t…

Best Tick Sprays

Tick sprays help keep your pet protected from a range of nasty bloodsuckers and dangerous diseases they transmit through their bite.

What to Do If Your Dog is Poisoned

Dog can get into trouble at any age - and that includes eating something they shouldn't. Here's what to do if your pet is poisoned.

5 Zen Ways To Manage Dog Stress

It may not seem like it, but a dog's life can be stressful. Your dog may not be able to take a "Mental Health Day," but there are ways to manage dog stress.

Best Dog Ear Cleaners

Dog ear cleaners make it easy to keep your pooch tidy and healthy, and prevent painful ear infections. Read on to learn which of them work best!

Adjust Your Attitude About The Benefits Of Dog Chiropractic Care

The fact of the matter is that dog chiropractic care can be beneficial for a wide range of problems - it may even help to prevent joint degeneration.

Best Flea Shampoo for Dogs

Flea shampoo for dogs is one of the most efficient pet products for eliminating blood-sucking parasites from your pet's fur.

BounceBack Botanicals: Our “Best In Show” From Global Pet Expo 201

Global Pet Expo 2017 was full of amazing natural products. It was hard to choose just one, but BounceBack Botanicals from Pawflex was a standout.

Simethicone For Dogs: Uses, Dosage, & Side Effects

Does your dog have a lot of gas? If you can't stand the smell anymore, then maybe you should check of simethicone for dogs.

How to Quickly Cool Your Dog Down

Like every other mammal, dogs can overheat. When your dog heats up, you need to act quickly to cool him down. Don’t panic, here’s how to do it

Why Do Dogs Get Ear Infections?

Ear infections are no fun for dogs or for their owners. Painful and smelly, there are a variety of reasons why your dog may be prone to ear infections.

6 Natural Flea Remedies For Dogs

Tired of using chemicals to get rid of fleas? Instead, why not try any of these natural flea remedies for dogs to either prevent or get rid of these pests.

What is the Proper Aspirin Dosage for Dogs?

You probably have this popular headache medication in your medicine cabinet. But is it safe to give your dog, and if it is, how much can you give him?

5 Alternatives to the Dreaded Cone of Shame

The cone of shame has been a burden hanging around the necks of pets for years. If you want to ditch the lamp shade, try one of these safe alternatives.

5 Nifty Tips for Dog Tick Removal

In the spring and summer months, repelling ticks is on top any pet parent's list. Here's what to do if you see a tick attached to your dog's skin.

Benefits of Using Coconut Oil To Brush Your Dog’s Teeth

Coconut oil has a multitude of great uses when it comes to our dogs. Did you know that coconut oil can be used to brush your dog's teeth?

Tick Talk: Do All-Natural DIY Tick Repellents Really Work?

We’ve all heard the claims – there are all-natural essential oils that keep ticks off of dogs. But have you ever seen them work? Kevin Roberts takes it upon…

What You Need to Know About Sensitivity to Anesthesia in Dogs

When dogs go in for surgery, many will have to be put under using anesthesia. But not all dogs handle anesthesia the same - here's what you need to know.

Heartworm Treatment: What Are Your Options?

By the time you see symptoms of this dangerous disease, it's may be too late. Don't procrastinate - get the 411 on heartworm treatment for your dog.

A Pet Parent’s Guide To Heartworm Treatments

Is your dog safe? Let's go over the basics about what heartworm is, how and why you should protect your dog, and the heartworm treatments available to you.

7 Natural Essential Oils For Dogs

Looking for natural treatments? ! It's not new-age nonsense or aromatherapy - essential oils for dogs offer a variety of health benefits when used properly.

8 Sure-Fire Dog Constipation Home Remedies

At some point in his life, your dog will get constipated. But as a pet parent, there are some home remedies you can try to help with dog constipation.

Futuristic Pet Tech Helps Ease Inflammation and Pain in Small Animals

This innovative product is a collaboration between Sleepypod and Assisi Animal Health and it promises to make life better for pets in pain.

This Smart Collar Could Be Warning You About Dog’s Seizures Via App

In addition to alerts, the smart collar will provide you with a seizure history, which helps your vet determine the best course of treatment.

Can I Give My Dog Aspirin?

A popular over-the-counter medication, you may be wondering, can I give my dog Aspirin? Let's talk about what it's used for and if it's safe for your pooch.

Best Mosquito Repellents for Dogs

Mosquitos are not just pesky- they transmit heartworm disease. Make sure to protect your pooch on time with mosquito repellents for dogs.

Spot on or Collar: What’s the Right Flea & Tick Treatment?

The weather is warming up. Parasites are waking up... and they're hungry! Protect your pet with a spot on or collar treatment that fits their needs.

5 Places to Regularly Check Your Dog for Ticks

Ticks sure are good at hiding on our dogs! That's why you need to know where to look for them... and we know where to flush them out.

How to Perform the Dog Heimlich Maneuver

Dogs can choke food, toys, or random objects that look edible. In case of an emergency, do you know how to perform the dog Heimlich Maneuver?

Paw CBD: Walking Dogs Away From Worry

Whether it’s for ailments or stress, Paw CBD has the chew or oil to support your dog’s overall well-being – while you save 20% off! Our do…

Snake Bites in Dogs: What Every Dog Owner Should Know

When dogs get nosy, it can lead to trouble - especially with snakes! Here's what you need to know about how to treat snake bites in dogs.

Effective Alternative Treatments For Dog Arthritis

Arthritis affects many adult dogs, as many as 1 in 5. For those looking for a non-traditional route, here are a few alternatives for treating dog arthritis.

Basic First Aid Tips for Dogs

Accidents happen... do you know how to handle first aid basics if your dog is hurt? Don't get caught unprepared when your pooch has a minor medical mishap.

Docusate Sodium for Dogs: Uses, Dosage, and Side Effects

Is your dog all bunged up? He may need a little help in the poop department. Let's talk about Docusate Sodium for dogs.