What Are The American Kennel Club Field Trials?

Need a challenge? A wonderful athletic event for hunting dogs, the American Kennel Club Field Trials will test your pooch's skills out in the field!

Which Canine Sport is Right For My Dog?

With so many dog sports out there, it can be hard to decide which one to pursue. Let's break each sport down to find which ones fit your dog's needs.

How to Stop Begging at the Table

Can't resist those sad, puppy dog eyes? If your chowhound can't keep his paws off of you while you're eating, try these strategies.

5 Tidy Tips for Keeping Your Dog Out of the Trash

Guess who got into the trash... again. An irresistible target for curious pups, there are ways to keep your dog out of the trash.

Pros And Cons: The Collar Vs. Harness Debate

Does your dog wear a collar or a harness? We’ve leashed in points to keep in mind before making a decision. When it comes to doing what is best for you…

Back To Dog School Classes Ensure Your Pooch Is The Teacher’s Pet

Learning doesn’t stop after basic obedience. It’s time to bone up on some extracurricular lessons – and by that, we mean classes you can ta…

Dog Etiquette 101: 5 Ways How NOT to Greet a Dog

It's tempting to pet and hug every dog you come across, but that may be not what the pooch wants. Here's what you shouldn't do when greeting a dog.

How to Connect With a Skittish Dog

Dogs can be nervous for various reasons in many different situations. Here's how to connect properly with a skittish dog.

How To Survive a New Dog Disaster

Your cute new dog or puppy may bring some not-so-cute consequences. Don't despair! Follow these tips to ease the transition for everyone.

My Dog Was Kicked Out of Daycare… Now What?

Just as some people don't thrive at a packed party, a daycare setting isn't right for all dogs. If your dog was asked not to return to a daycare facility, consider these exercise options.

6 Life Lessons Your Dog Can Teach You

Think of it as "Human Training." We already know how to "sit" and "stay," but there are valuable lessons your dog can teach you, if you're willing to learn.

3 Easy Ways to Teach Your Dog to Calm Down

It's no secret that dogs aren't always the best at calming themselves down. These three training techniques teach your dog to cool his jets.

Association Of Professional Dog Trainers A Valuable Resource For Train

The Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) is an organization dedicated to promoting dog training and education for trainers and pet owners.

Why Do Some Dogs Pee While Doing Handstands?

Have you ever seen a dog mark his territory while balancing on his front legs? Here's why dogs pee while doing a handstand.

Why You Should Let Your Dog Sniff During Walks

It's important that your dog gets his daily walk for exercise purposes. But it's just as vital to let your dog sniff his surroundings.

How To Spot True Separation Anxiety in Your Dog

True separation anxiety can be a difficult issue to deal with. The good news is that many people who think their dogs have separation anxiety are mistaken.

Will Work For Food: Turn Your Dog’s Mealtime Into Game Time

Here's a different way to spice up meals. These food-dispensing toys and games prove that it really is okay to play with your food.

5 Common Myths About Dog Aggression

When it comes to aggression, many people have misconceptions about why dogs display this behavior. We're here to debunk five common myths about dog aggression.

“I Said ‘Sit’!” Help Your Dog Respond to Cues Outdoors

Does your dog know how to sit, stay, and come in the house? What about in the park? If that second question makes you cringe, you're not alone.

The Official Teething Puppy Survival Guide

Those fluffy little jowls are hiding a set of razor-sharp teeth, and between those floppy ears is a brain that is hard-wired to chew on everything in sight.

Stroller Training: Tips for Teaching Your Dog to Ride in a Stroller

Pet strollers have rolled their way into the lives of dogs and cats. Used to a variety of purposes, make sure your pet stays safe while being pushed around.

Why Are Dogs Afraid of Vacuums?

The terrorizing whirl of the motor; its almighty sucking strength; and the fearsome reach of the hose. Do you need to ask: Why are dogs afraid of vacuums?

Pulling For Urban Mushing – Is It The Right Activity For Your Dog?

If you want to give your dog an exceptional workout, you should try your hand at Urban Mushing. This sport is perfect for dogs with a high energy drive.

Should I Train My Dog With a Clicker?

A clicker can make training your dog easier and fun. But before bringing one more tool into your training routine, make sure a clicker is right for you.

Big City Dogs Can Now Earn The Urban Canine Good Citizen Title

You've heard of the AKC's Canine Good Citizen program. Now, there's one for city-dwelling dogs called the Urban Canine Good Citizen test. Are you up for it?

4 Top Tether Training Tips for Dogs

Tether training for dogs is recommended to help potty problems, exercise or walk with a hands-free leash. Here's the proper way to tether train your dog.

How To Avoid Fido Fiascos When Training Multiple Dogs

Calgon… take me away! Step away from the bottle of wine – take a few tips from a pro on how to train successfully in a multi-dog household. Havi…

How To Keep Your Senior Dog Active

Before you resign your aging pup to a sedentary retirement, consider these options to keep him physically active and mentally stimulated.

5 Tips to Keep Your Dog From Digging in the Yard

Digging up your yard might be one of those dog habits you don't dig! But is there any way you can cover up this natural dog behavior?

How to Teach Your Dog How To Wave

Imagine being able to teach your dog how to wave! This practical trick helps your dog break the ice with strangers, even from a distance.

Pros and Cons of Adopting a Puppy

Are you not sure if you should adopt a puppy or adult dog? There are ups and down with both - let's look at pros and cons of adopting a puppy.

5 Tips for Overly Friendly Dogs That Will Wander Off With Anyone

Is your dog too friendly and trusting, and will go off with a stranger? To avoid dangerous situations, learn how to handle your overly friendly dog.

Pros and Cons of Adopting an Adult Dog

Thinking of adopting a dog - that's a great idea! While most adopters are drawn the puppies, adult dogs have a great deal to offer.

Are Small Dogs Harder to Train Than Big Dogs?

Is it true that small dogs are harder to train than big dogs? Let’s take a look at the facts and settle the debate once and for all. A number of factor…

How Important is Routine in Your Dog’s Life

Routine is important to our lives - so it's no surprise to learn that it's also vital to our dogs' well being. Here's why you should incorporate routine in your dog's life.

Teach the “Drop It” Command, For Safety’s Sake

You've heard the horror stories where dogs eat anything they find. Teach you pup a reliable Drop It cue before you have a traumatizing story of your own.

How to Teach a Rock-Solid Stay

The doorbell rings. Lola starts frantically barking and clawing to get the door open. You howl, "Lola, sit... stay. Stay!" to no avail. Sound familiar?

Should My Dog Sleep in My Bed or on the Floor?

Do you share the bed with your dog or does he have his own? Set clear rules for your dog to follow, and make sure the whole family sticks to them.

5 Fundamental Training Tips for Sport Dogs This Fall

Follow these five fundamental training tips to ensure you're making the most of autumn, and your team is in awesome shape for winter dog sports.

Snout to Snout: Q&A With “Dog Nation” Star Cesar Millan

Before Cesar Millan, his brilliant white teeth, and son Andre, hit the road for their new TV series, we asked him a few questions about "Dog Nation."

What is a Facility Dog?

You've heard of therapy dogs and service dogs, but what about facility dogs? A facility dog is trained for work in a facility setting.

How Dog-Loving Strangers Ruin Well-Trained Dogs

Pet parents have heard this one: "It's okay, I love dogs!" Guess what - it's not okay! Here's how to deal with friendly strangers who undo your training.

Teach Your Dog To Be A Canine Good Citizen

You may think your pup is already pretty awesome, but you can make sure that your dog has all the good manners to be considered a Canine Good Citizen.

How to Use a Belly Band to Housebreak Your Dog

Some dogs are harder to housetrain than others. A possible solution? Using a belly band to housebreak your pooch.

Take a Hand’s Off Approach to Dog Walks With Hands-Free Walking Syst

Keeping your hands free while walking your dog offers a host of benefits. Kevin Roberts has some tips for going hands free while trekking with your pooches.

Teaching Your Dog to Leave It

The "Leave It" command can come in handy in a variety of situations. Follow these tips on properly teaching your dog to leave it.

Teach Your Dog to Love His Carrier

Make sure your dog is as excited about a trip away from home as you are! Follow these guidelines to teach your dog to love his carrier.

Why Do Dogs Hump?

It starts as a cute or embarrassing moment, but can it turn into a mounting behavior? Before jumping to conclusions, learn the reasons why dogs hump.

Fighting Like Cats And Dogs: Dealing With A Cat-Aggressive Dog

Why can't they just get along? What to do when your dog doesn’t see eye-to-eye with catsIf you have a multi-pet household, there may be times when your pets…

On-Leash Dog Greetings: Yea or Nay?

Letting your pup greet other dogs while on leash isn't always fun and games. Keep these tips in mind the next time you're on a walk.

5 Ways Food-Dispensing Toys Will Enhance Your Dog’s Life

Does your dog bark when left alone? Eat your furniture to pass the time? Save your sanity by turning your pup's mealtime into playtime.

Good Dog! The Best Ways To Reward Your Dog

How do you tell your dog he’s done a good job… especially if you want him to do it again? Here are the best ways you can reward your dog Trainin…

Dog Adolescence is Real: What to Expect From the Teen Years

The teen years are rebellious ones! Dogs may not be sneaking out of the house, but they may act out. Here's how you can survive your dog's adolescence.

What Do the Letters After a Dog Trainer’s Name Mean?

Certain letters spell out the expertise of a professional. A trainer's certifications can tell you a lot about her experience and approach to dog training.

My Dog Has Too Much Energy. Should I Adopt a Second Dog?

If your current dog needs more exercise and stimulation, getting a second dog may (or may not!) help. Ask yourself these questions.

Why Is My Dog Aggressive When Woken Suddenly?

No one likes getting woken up suddenly from a deep slumber - but some dogs get aggressive in this situation. How do you wake your dog up safely?

Pee Problems: A Pro Shares How to Housetrain Any Dog

Get a trainer's perspective on why your new dog or puppy is peeing on your rug, and what you can do about it.

SpotOn GPS Dog Fence Review

Got a dog who likes to roam? We've tested the SpotOn GPS Dog Fence, and it might bet the solution for you.

Dogs Get A Kick Out Of Kicksledding

Uur resident expert on all sports that include dog pulling wants to introduce you to another cold weather activity you can do with your dogs - kicksledding.

10 Training Tips for Eager Greeters

Who's at the door? I bet it's a new friend! If your dog is an eager greeter, try these training tips that will tone down their welcome.