“MuttCracker” Princess Pig Pirouettes On Stage For Charity

The Birmingham Ballet's MuttCracker stars Pig the fairy princess, and helps raise money for the Greater Birmingham Humane Society.

Best Outdoor Dog Beds

Ahhhh… the balmy breeze flowing through your fur. The toasty sun gently warming your face. There’s nothing like lounging outdoors when the dog-days of summer are upon us. And what better way to do it then on these plush outdoor dog beds. While you’re chilling on your padded lounger (by the pool, if you’re lucky), your panting pooch will be lapping up the good life on his very own oasis. Here are our top picks for outdoor dog beds.

Quiz: Do You ‘Nose’ Your Dog Breed Nose?

Nose to nose, can you name the breeds behind these 10 butt sniffers? Test your dog "nose"-ledge, and let's find out if you're right on the nose!

Dog Helps His Humans By Grocery Shopping For Himself

A self-reliant pup in Brazil proves he's just trying to make things easy for his family by shopping for his meals and treats by himself!

Shelter Dogs Enjoy a “Puppa Joe” at Starbucks

What a great way to showcase adoptable animals. These sweet shelter dogs are sure to make you smile as they enjoy their "Puppuccinos!"

Virtual Reality Dog Experience May Help Prevent Future Dog Bites

Scientists at the University of Liverpool believe that a virtual dog may be the newest and best educational tool to help prevent people from getting bitten b…

Dogs Can Party With Snoopy This October During Dog Days At Kings Islan

Get ready for a howling good time – Dogs can get their Halloween thrills at the theme park’s Dog Days celebration October has begun and that mean…

ASPCA Wants The Department of Justice To #GetTough On Dog Fighting Law

Help save dogs from the fighting ring by urging the Justice Department to pursue more dog fighting cases! It’s a despicable crime that was outlawed in…

Petzila Wants To Connect You And Your Pet Anytime, Anywhere

Pew! Pew! A WiFi gadget that lets you connect with your pet AND launches treats? You know you want the PetziConnect under your tree this holiday season. Woul…

Michigan Pushes For Felony Charges When Owners Leave Pets in Cars

Tired of hearing about pets who die in hot cars? So are two Michigan lawmakers who have introduced bills that will make this crime a felony.

15 Best Gadget Gifts for Geeky Pets

This has been an awesome year for geeky pet parents. I've picked PetGuide's top 15 geeky and gadget gifts for pets who like to get their nerd on!

Logan’s Law Will Mandate Animal Abusers Registry, Tougher Penalties

Michigan hopes to pass a bill called Logan’s Law that will ban convicted animal abusers from adopting and puts their names in an accessible database. T…

A Woman’s Best Friend? Dogs Prefer Female Speech, Study Shows

While the study confirmed something many pet owners knew from experience – that dog brains are much more sensitive to speech that is directed at them – it unearthed that this is especially true if the speech comes from women.

Top 10 Rare Dog Breeds

It's not likely that you've come across one of these rare dog breeds at the dog park! Here are a few pooches you may never have even heard of before.

Best Harnesses For Shorkies

Your Shorkie has a delicate neck and windpipe - make sure you protect her. That's why we've compiled a list of the best 10 harnesses for Shorkies.

Quiz: Do You Know Your Dog Meme?

From Nyan Cat and Confession Bear, to Dramatic Chipmunk and Grumpy Cat, animals are a part of meme culture. Can you name these 10 popular dog-themed memes?

Happy Ending For Bi-Ped Puppy Mill Rescue

A rescued puppy mill dog with two legs is living a life with the happiest of endings, after his new dad travelled across the country to bring him home.

Tosh.O Shows How Crowdsourcing is a Pain in the Butt for a Cute Kitten

Crowdsourcing for worthy causes is a common occurrence. Daniel Tosh recently highlighted a worthy one, and, if you don't donate, you're a butt-hole.

Top 10 July 4th Stars And Stripes Fur-Ever!

If you’ve got yourself a patriotic pooch, he’ll want to show off his stars and stripes on July 4th. There are many ways for your dog to celebr…

Neurological Study Reveals Powerful Effect Petting Dogs Has On Brain

Petting a pooch sure feels nice, but did you know that petting a dog causes increased prefrontal brain activity? A new study by a team of scientists published at PLOS sheds some light on how interacting with our canine friends affects our brains.

The Coolest (Or Warmest) Pet House You’ve Ever Seen

We want to keep our pets as comfy as they can be. This new climate-controlled pet house has super cool technology that offers the perfect lounging place.

The P.E.T.S. Plan – Four Steps To Divorcing With Pets

Divorce isn’t easy – especially when pets are involved. If both parties want guardianship of the dog, what options do you have? Debra Vey Voda-Ha…

Disney’s Magic Kingdom Opens Its Gates To Dogs

Special event brings costumed canines to the Most Magical Place on Earth Disney is known for its popular dog movies: Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, Bolt…

Meet Furbo, the World’s First Treat-Tossing Dog Camera

Yay gadgets! Innovation, where would we be without you? We'd like to thank you for Furbo, a treat-tossing dog camera that's being funded on Indiegogo.

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Shed the Most

You're never fully dressed without some dog hair clinging to your clothes! If you don't mind the fuzz, here are the dog breeds that shed the most.

Too Cute for Words: Golden Retriever Max Is the Official Mayor of a Ca

Meet the adorable Maximus Mighty Dog Mueller II, a 5-year-old Golden Retriever that's proud to be the official mayor of Idyllwild, California.

Top Toasts to Barking Barware

Let's all raise a glass to our best friend - our dogs! Because we do everything with style, we'll toast our furry BFFs with bark-inspired barware items.

Best Gilded Golden Retriever Gifts

Goldies are a sweet gift! Give the gift of happiness with brilliant Golden Retriever-inspired trinkets that are sure to be treasured.

What Shapes Your Dog’s Personality? Harvard Neuroscientists Reveal

No two dogs are the same – each pooch has a personality of their own, complete with unique quirks and traits. But why is your dog the way they are? Here's what the experts have to say about it.

Believed Extinct, Wild Dog Breed Rediscovered in New Guinea Highlands

Believed to be extinct in its natural habitat, researchers confirmed New Guinea Highland Wild Dogs are roaming in one of the most unlikely places.

New Build-A-Bear App Inspires Kids To Adopt-A-Pet

Children can build adorable virtual pets, learn how to take care of them and support animals in need with the new (and free!) Build-A-Bear app. Forget the pi…

10 Misty Raincoats To Keep Your Pooch Dry

Raindrops keep falling on your dog's head. If you don't enjoy Fido's natural eau-de-wet-dog stink, keep him covered with these drip-dry rain jackets.

Top 10 Ginger Dog Breeds

Ginger's sometimes get the raw end of the deal. Why is that? Because we're kinda keen on these orange-hued pooches - aren't they handsome?!

Maryland Lawmakers Work To End Breed Discrimination By Insurance Compa

Lawmakers in the state of Maryland have heard the pleas from constituents to stop insurance companies from discriminating against certain breeds of their dog…

Top 20 Gifts For Chihuahua Appreciation Day

These adorable little spunkmeisters yapped their way into their own appreciation day. We’ve got the top 20 gifts for Chihuahua Appreciation Day so you can honor them with all the gifts and adoration they demand deserve.

Best Halloween Couple Costumes For You and Your Dog

What will you be wearing on October 31? Couple up with your dog, and put on these costumes that complement each other this Halloween.

8 Pet Planters That’ll Turn Your Thumb Green

It's time to cultivate your inner horticulturalist - add some flourish to your indoor decor with these pawsitively awesome pet-inspired planters!

These Are America’s Pet-Friendliest Companies of 2018

According to Wellness Natural Pet Food, here is a list of top 10 pet-friendly companies who offer numerous perks for their staff's furry companion.

File This Under Ideas We Love: Pet Food Bank Opens In Toronto

You know you really love your pet when you’re willing to give up your meal just so your dog has something to eat. But why choose, asked Cara Heitmann?…

Certain Breeds Get The Boot From Luxe Co-Op, Owners Cry ‘Dog Racism�

Apparently, pedigree is everything at an upscale New York Co-op, as the board plans to use DNA tests to ban certain breeds from the building.

WeRateDogs Raises Money for Doggos in Need. 12/10 Good Job!

Matt Nelson created one of the funniest Twitter accounts eva--WeRateDogs. Here's how he used his wonky rating system to raise over $100,000.

Top 10 Funniest Dog Breeds

Stop us if you've heard this one before. Some dogs have a gift to make us laugh - here are our picks for the top 10 funniest dog breeds.

Dog Nativity Scene Has Us Counting Our Blessings

A star is born, and he's heaven sent! A dog groomer in Leicestershire threw in the towels and the result is an adorable doggy Nativity scene!

It’s National Donut Day – These 10 Donut Loving Dogs Will Give You

You just donut understand how much these dogs love National Donut Day. Indulge your sweet tooth with some pastry lovin' pooches.

Top 10 Dog Breeds That Love Cold Weather

The cold doesn't slow you down, and you want a dog that loves the winter as much as you do. Get brisk with these dog breeds that love the cold weather.

Survey Reveals Canines Are Our Closest Confidants- And the Surprising

An online survey conducted on behalf of Just Right by Purina revealed some unexpected facts about the bond between dogs and their owners.

Top 17 St. Patrick’s Day Gifts For Dogs

Looking to shower your pup with the love o' the Irish? Look no further than these top 17 St. Patrick's Day gifts for dogs!

Best Cute Dog Halloween Costumes

There are so many cute dog Halloween costumes, it was tough to narrow it down to just 10. But we hope you like our picks and they give you some good ideas.

PACT Act Would Make Animal Abuse A Felony Across The Country

A new bill re-introduced by two members of the U.S. House of representatives would make animal cruelty a nationwide felony offense, and those convicted of th…

2 Teen Inventors Pitch CollaRadar to TV’s America’s Greatest Maker

Two teens pitch their dog tracking and loss prevention system to the judges on America's Greatest Makers. Can they turn their dreams into a cool $1 million?

Las Vegas Repeals Ban To Prevent The Selling of Pets in Pet Stores

Nevada City Council has repealed the pet sale ban, saying that it was only passed because of incorrect information from 'activists.'

11 Sustainable Pooch Products

Being an environmentally friendly pet parent has never been more convenient. We've picked a few dog products that help make the world a greener place.

Brother One-Ups His Twin’s Baby Photo With His Kitty Interpretations

Finding the right birthday gift can be hard. But we think this brother nailed it, when he recreated his sister's Instagram photos in the most unique way!

Wrongfully Imprisoned Man and His Prison Pup Enjoy Their Freedom

It's an unbelievable story that's true. A man wrongly imprisoned for almost four decades has been released, and he's bringing his dog Innocent with him.

Study: You Can Sniff Out Your Dog By Smell

It’s not new information that our dogs’ sniffers are pretty incredible and they have the ability to sniff out everything from new lotion we wear…

Your Outdoor Adventures Can Help the ASPCA, Thanks to Subaru and REI

Subaru of America has partnered with REI to encourage people to explore the great outdoors with their pets. Post a picture, and they'll donate to the ASPCA.

Adventure of a Lifetime: A Man and His Dog Ride 5,000 Miles Across Cou

The adorable mutt and her dad can't get enough of adventuring- the duo traveled over 5,000 miles on a cross-country bike ride.

This Dog Photographer Turns Cone of Shame Into Work of Art

What happens when you take the dull and drab e-collar and let artists reimagine it? The stunning photographs by Winnie Au tell the tale.

Fur-bulous Back-To-School Supplies

It’s that time of year again…shiny bookbags and lunchboxes are hanging on the walls, ready to deck the school halls. Want to show how much you love your pets while you’re being too cool for school? Check out our pet-themed back-to-school supplies.

Survey Uncovers Biggest Pet Peeves of American Pawrents

US pet parents of all ages discovered what they think are the worst habits of cat and dog owners. The answers might surprise you!